Virtual Volunteer Award Celebration!
In light of COVID-19, it is more important than ever to inspire new volunteers and thank the ones that continue to serve MSP however they are able. Whether they volunteer their time in person or remotely from their home, they’re tremendously helpful during this ongoing crisis. Though we can’t celebrate these amazing individuals in person, that doesn’t mean we have to skip a celebration. More details to follow…
Beautification Day at MSP!
On Friday, August, 22 volunteers, community members, and staff were able to gather for an outside/Covid compliant volunteer opportunity! We met at MSP’s shelter to beautify and clean up the exterior, and to plant annual flowers for the fall season. These hard-working supporters tackled a variety of tasks, including painting a new mural for our children’s playground, deep-cleaning, organizing, and decorating. Our Shelter Beautification Day was a big hit thanks to our incredibly dedicated volunteers, who helped make our shelter an even more beautiful place for families fleeing domestic violence.
Thank you for helping us celebrate our 40th!
Over the last 40 years, My Sister’s Place has been a refuge for thousands of women and children fleeing their abusers. On Tuesday, May 14th we celebrated our work with a cocktail reception held at the headquarters of Optoro, One of our goals was to raise funds to expand our Reaching Independence through Survivor Empowerment (RISE) program. If you were not able to attend and/or would like to support our work now, you may do so using the link below.
Please link to our donation page here.
Thank you for your support -our work is not possible without you!